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Twenty Twenty-Four: Theme Review

It is a WordPress tradition to add a new default theme each year. Usually, it comes with the last release of the year. This year new default Twenty Twenty Twenty-Four was introduced with the release of WordPress version 6.4 ‘Shirley’. Theme Twenty Twenty-Four is a multifunctional yet minimal WordPress theme. The theme is designed to be flexible, versatile, and applicable to any website. Whether you have a small business or a photography business, it will look perfect on any type. Moreover, If you are an artist, writer, or blogger you can create an amazing and attractive website with ease.

This theme offers a collection of templates and around 35 patterns that suit a variety of needs, such as business presentations, blogging, and writing or displaying work, and allows you to build pages in a matter of seconds. Besides, a small adjustment of color and typography within this theme opens up many possibilities. and full-page layouts to help speed up the site creation process.

In addition, theme Twenty-Twenty-Four comes with 6 style variations. You can explore each style in the Styles section of the Site Editor or in the Browse Styles panel in editing mode. The default style is defined in the theme.json and comes with 11 colors, 12 gradients, 5 duotone color combinations, and two font families: Inter for the content body, and Cardo for headings.

Theme twenty-twenty-four is a block-based theme which means all the layout and designs in this theme are made with blocks. It is designed to take full advantage of full-site editing capabilities, particularly the opportunities offered by patterns. Along with this, the theme is fully compatible with the site editor so you can take advantage of the new layout tools. 

Features of Twenty Twenty Four

WordPress has upgraded, improved, and added some useful features to this theme. Explore each feature and use them to craft your site elegantly.

Style Variations

Theme Twenty-Twenty-Four comes with 6 style variations. Each variation adds specific style combinations.

  1. Ice: This variation is pretty similar to the default style. It uses the same default color palette with a system font for headings and Inter for the body.
  2. Milky: This variation has the same default font families but a different color palette.
  3. Mint: Mint adds a variation in both color palette and font families. It uses Instrument Sans for headings and Jost for the body.
  4. Rust: Rust uses a pleasing color palette. The typography is based on the default font families but with different font sizes.
  5. Onyx: This is the dark version of the default style. It adds a custom palette, gradients, and duotone combinations.
  6. Sandstorm: This variation changes several elements of the default style. Sandstorm defines an 11-color palette, uses Instrument Sans and Jost font families, and customizes the appearance of several blocks and HTML elements.


Twenty Twenty-Four comes with eleven built-in templates. You can find the corresponding files in the templates folder of the theme’s directory. You can access the list of templates for your customizations in the Site Editor’s Templates section. Now again, if you want to dive deep into the code of Twenty Twenty-Four templates, you just need to open one or two of them in your favorite code editor. It’s no surprise that each template includes one or more patterns. This proves again that Twenty Twenty-Four is more or less a collection of patterns.

Twenty Twenty-Four theme comes up with multiple custom page templates such as Page no Title, Page with Sidebar, and Page with Wide Image. Using these templates you can create a standard page with no title, display page content with a sidebar on the right, and present a featured image with page title and content on the left and right respectively. 

  • Page no Title: a standard page layout, but with no page title at the top.
  • Page with Sidebar: displays page content with a sidebar on the right-hand side.
  • Page with Wide Image: displays a wide featured image with page title on the left, and content on the right.

Template parts

In the Site Editor, template parts and patterns are all included in the same Patterns section. You can find patterns and template parts in two different folders of the Twenty Twenty-Four directory. When you scroll down the Patterns navigation menu, you’ll find the Template Parts section, which includes HeaderFooter, and General menu items. Each item is the entry point to the corresponding template part category. The template parts folder includes six template parts such as one header, three footers, and two general template parts.

Twenty Twenty-Four also includes a range of different layouts for the Header and Footer of your site. When editing your Templates you can replace the template part with one of the variants.

Block patterns

Patterns are collections of predesigned blocks whose text and media content can be quickly replaced by your own. The patterns folder includes +30 patterns. If you use Block Patterns, you can easily save a lot of time while crafting creative layouts. While creating a page or post on your website, you can get help from the Block Patterns to accelerate your task. You can easily use these block patterns for quick FAQs, call-to-action, and more. Whether a call-to-action, an event announcement, or a FAQ, patterns can help jump-start the creation of your page or post.

Block Variations

Twenty Twenty-Four theme offers some block variations to make them look slightly different from their default version. This theme offers variations for the following blocks: 

1. Heading
2. List
3. Details
4. Navigation
5. Category and Tag List

Heading block

Headings in Twenty Twenty-Four come with a variation that includes an Asterix as a bullet point above the heading.

When editing your headings – you will see an option in the sidebar to switch to the variant style. Selecting the ‘With asterisk’ style will keep the size and font of your heading – but add the stylized asterisk above it.

List block

List items in Twenty Twenty-Four come with a variation that uses a checkmark as bullet points instead of the default style.

When editing your list – you will see an option in the sidebar to switch to the variant style. Selecting the ‘Checkmark’ style will keep the swap the default bullet for a checkmark.

Details block

When editing your Details block – you will see an option in the sidebar to switch to the variant style. Selecting the ‘Arrow icon’ style will keep the swap the default marker for the summary section to use an arrow icon.

Links within Navigation blocks in Twenty Twenty-Four come with a variation that adds an arrow to the right of the link text (sometimes used for indicating a link that leaves the main site).

When editing menu items – you will see an option in the sidebar (Style tab) to switch to the variant style. Selecting the ‘With arrow’ style will add the arrow to the right of the link text.

Category and Tag list blocks

Category and Tag list blocks in Twenty Twenty-Four come with a variation that styles each term as a ‘pill’ with a light background.

When the Category or Tag blocks within a Query Loop – you will see an option in the sidebar (Style tab) to switch to the variant style. Selecting the ‘Pill’ style will add a light background color (with rounded corners) to each term in the list.

Design specifications

Twenty Twenty-Four comes with the following defaults for style.

  • Cardo Font for headlines.
  • Sans-serif System font for paragraphs.
  • Instrument SansInter, and Jost as alternative fonts.
  • The default color palette of Twenty Twenty-Four is light, providing a fresh and inviting appearance. The Style Variations (mentioned above) contain a range of alternative color palettes.
  • content width of 620 pixels and a ‘Wide’ width of 1280 pixels.

You can also view a more complete list of the spacing, color, and layout presets used by the theme. And remember, the Site Editor’s Styles tools give a wide range of options for customizing the style of your site beyond these defaults.

Code is Poetry


Theme Twenty Twenty-four is a fast, mobile responsive, open source, and easily customizable block theme. Twenty Twenty-Four theme is an exceptional default block theme in the sense that it is not focused on only one type of user base. With a block theme, you have the freedom to place and edit blocks outside of your content, either through the Template Editor or Site Editor. 

Instead, this theme is designed with at least three types of user bases in mind: entrepreneurs and small business owners, writers, and bloggers, the artists and photographers. A variety of templates and template parts with different patterns are introduced in this theme to suit the needs of these user bases. Installing and activating a theme is simple and easy. You can switch to this theme by just installing, activating, and customizing on your own.

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