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What is WordCamp? Everything about WordCamps!!

Wow ! what a concept of gathering the same sectors intellectuals or newbies under one roof. Yes, it exactly is WordCamp. WordCamp is an event or conference locally organized by a WordPress community for all WordPress users aiming to develop the WordPress world.

One gets to acknowledge people worldwide and acquire knowledge of building and developing WordPress platforms in a new series and ideas. It ties the relation of a huge number of people and establishes the network to uplift their company and themselves in a smooth manner.

The event of WordCamp becomes successful when sponsors, speakers, volunteers, organizers, and attendees collaborate with each other. It is a huge event where 300 to 1000 plus people attend from different parts of the country or from the globalized world. It is like sharing ideas of their own and receiving those of others too.

Short History of WordCamp

First WordCamp was organized in San Francisco by Matt Mullenweg in 2006. It was a one-day conference attended by around 500 people and included a variety of presentations by WordPress developers and users. Since then, local communities worldwide have organized hundreds of other WordCamps throughout the year.

Currently, there are 1111 WordCamps in 375 cities, 65 countries, and 6 continents typically attended by everyone from aspiring bloggers to web development and tech professionals. In 2022 there will be 14 WordCamps. When writing this article 8 WordCamps were held already and 6 WordCamps are waiting for their date. Their format, structure, and content will vary on the location and organizers, as does the length and number of attendees. 

Who can join WordCamp?

The photo was taken at WordCamp Kathmandu

Anyone who wants to come to the conference is a hearty Welcome. Generally, it offers opportunities to WordPress theme and plugin developers, local businesses, bloggers, designers, marketers, SEOs, realtors, entrepreneurs, non-profits photographers, and consultants. The ones who are getting advantages directly and indirectly from WordPress can also join the event. It is a casual meet-up of different-level WordPress practitioners.

Each and every single WordPress enthusiast can interact with each other on the same platform sharing plenty of opportunities to learn. As a whole, the main purpose of organizing WordCamp is to connect intimacy between WordPress users from all over the world to develop and uplift the WordPress platform. It’s all about collaboration, communication, and the WordPress community sharing innovative ideas, skills and knowledge.

How many days does it last?

We cannot say how many days it takes place to accomplish. The number of speakers and the programming schedule decide the days. The WordCamp conference can accomplish in a day or can be extended to 2 to 3 days.

What to Expect from WordCamp?

Sessions generally span a variety of formats, including lectures/presentations, live demos, Q&A, workshops, ignite-style lightning presentations, panels, interviews, and any other format you can imagine.


Speakers share their ideas, knowledge, and expertise through the presentation. Every Speaker has different topics to present. The content of the presentation is firmly focused on using and developing WordPress. Further, they talk about the issues around blogging, business, and social media that are related to WordPress use. Presentations are shared with the broader WordPress community by posting session slides/videos to the WordCamp channel on

Panel Discussion

More heads more ideas. The session includes a panel discussion as well. A group of speakers gathered to discuss a particular topic with different opinions. The discussion will have a moderator too.

Making Personal and Professional Connections

WordCamps help connects people globally. WordPress users from all over the world are invited and welcomed to WordCamps. That’s why people came to know each face to face, have a talk, and build up long-lasting business connections and relations with each other.

Volunteer Everywhere

WordCamp is a locally organized and volunteer-run event. Anyone is a volunteer there. The tireless effort of organizers, unpaid service of volunteers, generous sponsors, and speakers who donate their time teaching new things are equally important to have a successful WordCamp. Volunteers work as hall leads, door guards, timekeepers, social media handlers, sponsor facilitators, registrations, swag station managers, assistants, and more.


This is a great resource for WordPress users from where you can see all the informative videos sitting on your own desk. Presentations, highlights, and behind-the-scenes looks from WordCamps from all over the world are available there on The one who couldn’t attend but is willing to learn and know can have full advantages from

Job Boards

WordCamp is the place for WordPress users. Many WordCamps set up a job board so that entrepreneurs/attendees can post a job opening, so that job seeker attendees get to know about jobs and apply. Any attendees can share their business cards or give other opportunities to the WordPress Community.


WordCamps also offer perks, although the exact perks depend on the organizing team and their budget. You might get food and beverages at the event or commemorative t-shirts or other swag.

Cheer up and Fun

Most WordCamps follow the conference with an after-party and before-party at a nearby location where you can have a few drinks with your new friends and introduce your WordPress-based products ( themes, plugins, add-ons, hosting, domain, etc ) and intelligence to take over the world. Similarly, you can have fun dancing, and singing with crazy smart, inspired, and inspiring fellows.

What topics are expected for presentation, workshops and discussion in WordCamp?

Why do organizers conduct WordCamp? Sharing experience, teaching techniques, gaining knowledge and many more objectives revolves around. Well, we will let you know about the topics that are discussed and delivered during WordCamps. The topics can be changed with the switch of time and advancements in WordPress. Here are some of the topics that are mostly included on WordCamps.

WordPress Basics

Generally, basic information about WordPress is also taught targeting beginners. Every single thing is new and unfamiliar for newbies. So fundamental information about WordPress will help new users to move one step ahead. Primary subjects like web hosting, domain, themes, plugins, and site security are some of the basic subjects one needs to learn and know.

About Recent Releases and Development

Recent releases, updates, and improvements to WordPress are the major topics discussed there. WordPress release versions with various improvements and new features time and again. The recent development and improvement such as block patterns, block themes, block editors, level-up building blocks, Gutenberg block editor, full site editing, WordPress API, and its future and frameworks are presented and taught in the recent WordCamps Conference.

WordPress Security and Data Privacy

It teaches you to keep your data private, safe and secure.

Marketing and SEO

WordCamps have sessions on Marketing and SEO as well. You can acquire very essential ideas on search engine optimization ranking and traffic. Ideas on content writing, blogging, guest blogging and link-building ideas are also highly covered. Also, you can have knowledge of Off-page SEO, on-page SEO and technical SEO tips if attended to WordCamps. Moreover, speakers will share about social marketing, video marketing, and whole digital marketing tips.

Successful Story Telling

Entrepreneur shares their experiences and hardships behind success. Their inspiring stories motivate others to do more. They share how life changes with WordPress or let’s say WordCamps.

The topics and lessons have no limit. These are just some points not all. Indeed, you can learn everything from beginning to end ( related to WordPress).

WordCamp Kathmandu 2022 ( 3-4 September)

WordCamp Kathmandu will be held from the 3rd to the 4th of September this year. If this location is nearby, you can join. You can grab Early Bird tickets, sponsorship, and a WordCamp speaker opportunity right now if you are interested. It is encouraging participants to recognize and strengthen the relationships between what they do and the community at large.

Wasn’t this article really helpful? We are hopeful and happy that we could share the knowledge we have about WordCamps. Well, we hope to meet you soon at the upcoming WordCamps.

Thank You!

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