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WordPress History: Origin-18th Anniversary

First of all, we would like to congratulate WordPress for completing yet another successful year. We are delighted to wish ” HAPPY 18th ANNIVERSARY TO WORDPRESS “. Thank you, WordPress for creating such a beautiful open-source platform. WordPress has united and globalized the whole universe in a single frame. And now, it is a popular blogging tool and content management system. It is trusted by the best 41 %of WordPress users from the biggest online sites to hobby blogs.

In February 2021, reported, ” WordPress is used by 64.9% of all the websites whose content management system we know. WordPress is 41.6% of all websites”. On 27th may 2021 WordPress celebrated its 18th anniversary passing 6575 wonderful days. It wasn’t the easiest journey for WordPress but the support and strength from the contributors, developers, and designers within a global network made it possible and encouraged to stand up. Today we will unlock the interesting and inspiring developmental WordPress journey from start-up to 2021.

WordPress History (2003-2021)

You may wonder to know why every version has a name for the jazz musician. It is all about the love, respect, and gratitude of WordPress developers toward jazz music. To show their appreciation for the genre, each update is named after a Jazz great. These updates are essential for security or maintenance and demand of the current time and situation.

Well, we will reveal to you the Marvelous WordPress history from 2003 to 2021, major releases, version updates, improvement, evolvement, and so on. The detailed journey from launching WordPress, and building b2/Cafelog to Version 5.7 “Esperanza” will inspire you to go along with the WordPress Platform.

2003 – 0.7 “Gold”

WordPress was launched on 27th May 2003 with a joint effort of Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little. They build a blogging software b2/cafelog. The blogging community appreciated improvements made over b2/cafelog. It was a nice start.

2004 Version 1.0, 1.1 “miles” and 1.2 “Mingus”

WordPress was loved and downloads doubled in a year. The plugin system was introduced with the first plugin ” Hello Dolly”. Version 1.0 came with a simplified installation process, comment moderation, search engine-friendly permalinks, and minor improvements were made to the User Interface. Version 1.2 “Mingus” allowed users to extend the functionality of WordPress by writing their own plugins and gave access to sharing to the community.

2005 -V,1.5 “Strayhorn ” and V.2.0″Duke”

The theme system was introduced with a default theme Kubrick. Plugin repository and official were launched. Furthermore, the WordPress logo was also created in 2005. Besides this, downloads cross over 100000. In Feb, WordPress V,1.5 was released with pages and comment moderation tools. Later, In Dec WordPress V.2.0 came with a new admin dashboard. It used JavaScript and DHTML to make a better interface so that users became able to add categories and tags to posts.


2006 was the year Automattic began work on growing its business and brand with just five employees. In 2006 first word camp was held in Francisco. It filled the trademark registration for WordPress and WordPress Logo.

2007 -Version 2.1 “Ella” V2.2 “Getz” and V. 2.3 “Dexter”

WordPress Version 2.1 “Ella”, V2.2 “Getz” and V. 2.3 “Dexter” were released. WordPress was upgraded with a new user interface, auto safe, and spelled check. In addition to this, it worked on import and export functionality, full atom support, an infinite comment system, and jQuery among many others. Version 2.2 gave us Widgets! The versions of 2007 made it easy to move content seamlessly between blogs. We also got pretty URLs, a brand new taxonomy system, update notifications, and a new post status – “Pending Review.”

2008Version 2.5 Brecker” V.2.6 ” Tyner” and V. 2.7 “Coltrane”

WordPress Version 2.5 Brecker” V.2.6 ” Tyner” and V. 2.7 “Coltrane” were released in 2008. Version 2.5. brought a brand new dashboard with new dashboard widgets, multi-file uploads, and a password strength meter. Version 2.6 came with new exciting features like Post revisions, the classic “Press This!” bookmarklet, and new theme previews. Coltrane came with the plugin installer and the WordPress automatic updater. In fact, it drastically changed the new admin interface. Happy Cog, a web-designed company joined the WordPress project to help with a new admin interface.

2009V.2.8 “Baker” and V. 2.9 ” Carmen”

WordPress V2.8 “Baker” and 2.9 ” Carmen” were released in 2009. Version 2.8 released with finest improvements to themes, widgets, taxonomies, and overall speed” in a blog post. Carmen made it easier on video embeds. Embeds supported for YouTube, Daily motions, Google Videos, Poll Daddy, Hulu, Viddler, etc.SEO on the platform was also improved thanks to canonical support. Most notably, post thumbnails were integrated into WordPress themes.

2010 V.3.0 “Thelonious”

On June 17 WordPress V.3.0 “Thelonious” was released. This release came with several features; custom post types, custom taxonomies, custom backgrounds, menus, headers, and more. Along with this, in June, Automattic transferred the ownership and logo to the WordPress Foundation. WordPress MU project was merged into WordPress core which helped to create multisite networks. The First Kids camp event was also organized to offer activities for kids ages 3-12.

2011Version 3.1 “Reinhardt”, V.3.2.” Gershwin” and V.3.3 “Sonny

WordPress Version 3.1 “Reinhardt”, V.3.2.” Gershwin” and V.3.3 “Sonny’ were released in February, July, and December respectively. V.3.1. brought notable changes to the administration bar (at last!), enhanced linking, and a streamlined writing interface. V.3.2 updated the new typography, and the overall design is tightened up. V3.3 came with improved co-editing support, a drag-and-drop media uploader, hover menus, a new toolbar, pointer tip intros for new features, and improved dash UI on tablets and iPad. Besides this, Plugins were building eCommerce platforms on top in the year 2011. It made it easier to create online stores and eCommerce websites with the use of WordPress.

2012V. 3.4 “Green” and V.3.5″Elvin

WordPress V. 3.4 “Green” and V.3.5″Elvin” were released. Theme customizer, new media managers, and theme preview were introduced to create a new image gallery and to preview the theme. The community summit took place in 2012. It especially focused on issues facing WordPress software development and the wider WordPress community.

2013V.3.6 “Oscar ” V.3.7 “Basie” and V.3.8 “Parker”

WordPress V.3.6 “Oscar ” V.3.7 “Basie” and V.3.8 “Parker” were released. Features like post locking, a revamped revisions browser, intuitive autosave, and the Classic Twenty Thirteen theme came with the arrival of V.3.6. Moreover, with version 3.6 we got a built-in HTML player for audio and video embeds. V.3.7 was released to enable the users to automatically update the site’s software for minor releases.

In 2013, the First Large scale word camp was held in Europe. This word camp helped to geek out, share experience, talk about WordPress and let users do more business. V.3.8 “Parker” was released in Dec and introduced MP6. MP6 design project began to address icons and other improvements.

2014Version 3.9 “smith” V. 4.0″Benny” and V. 4.1 “Dinah “

WordPress Version 3.9 “smith” released updating visual editor improvement speed, accessibility, and mobile support. It allowed pasting into the visual editor from your word processor. It helped to drag and drop images directly into the post editor as well. Moreover, Version 3.9 introduced live widget preview words, audio playlists, and several others. WordPress Version 4.0 and 4.1 were also released this year with many other updates and enhancements and functionalities.

2015V.4.2 “Powell”, V.4.3 “Billie” and V. 4.4 “Clifford”

WordPress V.4.2 “Powell”, V.4.3 “Billie” and V. 4.4 “Clifford” were released. Powell delivered improvements to character support. It also made it possible to switch themes in the Customizer, plus updating plugins are more streamlined. Billie concentrated on formatting shortcuts and customization.

V.4.4 came with handling responsive images within WordPress in an improved way. Addition to this, a new infrastructure ‘REST API’ is merged into the WordPress core. In 2015 word camp the USA was held. Philadelphia Councilmen Oh declared December 5th a WordPress day .

2016V. 4.5 ” Coleman” V. 4.6 “Pepper”, and WordPress V. 4.7″ Vaughan”

WordPress Version 4.5 ” Coleman” Version 4.6 “Pepper”, and WordPress V. 4.7″ Vaughan” were released. Version 4.5 came with a new Customizer with previews for different screen sizes plus streamlined the workflows. The most notable changes during the year were streamlined updates for plugins and themes, content recovery by using browser storage, and custom CSS feature for theme customizer. WordPress V.4.7. brought a brand new default ‘Theme Twenty Seventeen‘ promising to bring sites alive with video headers and features images with a focus on business sites.

2017Version 4.8 ” Evans” and 4.9 “Tipton”

In 2017, Version 4.8 ” Evans” and 4.9 “Tipton” were released. With the release of Evans. the visual editor was accessible inside widgets, and we got new audio, image, and video widgets. Tipton was marketed as “Major Customizer Improvements, Code Error Checking, and More! Most importantly, the block-based editor Gutenberg project was introduced.

2018Version 5.0″ Bebo “

WordPress Version 5.0″ Bebo “ was released. Gutenberg became the default editing experience. Gutenberg offered more content flexibility. A wide collection of APIs and interface components made it easier to create blocks with intuitive controls.

2019V.5.1″ Betty ” V. 5.2 “Jaco” V5.3 “kirk”

WordPress V.5.1″ Betty ” V. 5.2 “Jaco” V5.3 “kirk” were released. V.5.3 expanded and refined the block editor introduced in V.5.0. This year, Matt Mullenweg’s annual state of the word presentation was written and designed completely in Gutenberg for the first time.

2020V.5.4″ Adderly”, V. 5.5 “Eckstine” and V. 5.6 “Simone”

WordPress V.5.4″ Adderly”, Version 5.5 “Eckstine” and Version 5.6 “Simone” were released. Version 5.4 worked on two new blocks, “Social Icons” and “Buttons,” to increase interactions on your page. New color options, such as gradients for Buttons and Covers added color functionality for Group and Columns blocks. Eckstine supported block directly that helped to install block types without ever leaving the editor.

It also improved to three primary areas of your sites: speed, search, and security. Version Simone worked for all women and non-binary identifying release squad. It brought countless ways to set ideas free and bring them in life. It introduced the new default theme, Twenty Twenty-One. This beautiful theme helps you take full advantage of the Gutenberg block editor.

2021- Latest Version V.5.7 “Esperanza”

WordPress V. 5.7 “Esperanza” was released to the public on March 9, 2021. This year with this release WordPress has come to help the website owner to make full site editing available via Gutenberg. In 2021 Contributor teams released Gutenberg V.10.3 on April 2, V.10.4 on April 14, and on April 30! These versions brought a lot of improvement on the block toolbar, the navigation editor, the site editor list view. Besides these, you can find block widgets to the customizer as well. Further, you can get a set of new block patterns and enhancements to the template editing mode, along with the ability to embed PDFs.

Version 5.7 has brought 66 enhancements, feature requests, and over 130 bug fixes to the core. WordPress 5.7 allows you to simply drag and drop a block from the ‘Add new block’ (+) inserter into your content area. It accesses to create full-height blocks as well. Version 5.7 helps to adjust the size of icons in the social media icons block. It has introduced vertical alignment for buttons in the block editor. More other notable features that are updated on the latest version are as follows:

  • Robots API and media search engine visibility.
  • Detect HTTPS support.
  • Lazy-load iFrames.
  • jQuery migrate-related Deprecation notice clean-up.
  • Admin color palette standardization.
  • Version 9.9 of the Gutenberg plugin.

 Upcoming Version 5.8

WordPress version 5.8 will probably release on 20th July 2021 as mentioned by WordPress. Beginning with WordPress 5.8, you can colorize your image and cover blocks with duotone filters! Duotone can add a pop of color to your designs and style your images to integrate well with your themes. 

Many other exciting features are on the way with version 5.8. Just wait and get ready to upgrade.

While summing up, we shouldn’t forget to deliver the present scenario and impact done by WordPress. According to the Web Technology Surveys ( W3techs), we would like to share the WordPress marketplace, version updates and the popular sites that are using WordPress. You may have obviously heard, used and are familiar with the following sites.

The popular sites using WordPress are,,,,,,,, , and several more. Likewise , We would like to share the diagram that shows the percentage of using WordPress Version by different websites. This shows version 5 is used by 88.2% of all the websites that use WordPress.

Similarly, the given diagram shows the market position of WordPress in terms of popularity and traffic compared to the most popular content management systems.

We hope this article has definitely helped the one, who was desperately willing to know about WordPress and it’s history. Keep Following Us for other Informative and Useful Articles!

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